Thursday, September 24, 2009


Today at school was a scholarship and bursaries meeting for all the grade twelves. We learned all about how to apply to school, when you should do it, how you should do it, so many shoulds. I always thought I was gonna go nanny in Europe for a year or in New York and I still really want to do that for the experience like getting to travel with the family you are nannying for. I have heard so many good things about it and after I would nanny I would go to the university of Victoria for their human kinetics program. Although me nannying for a year would mean that I do not get any scholarships or bursaries because most of them do not let you postpone them for a year so that whole thing put a huge brick wall in the middle of my whole plan. I guess i did not really think of the "minor" details of getting into school. So the meeting really got me freaked out that I'm actually in grade twelve and that next year I could be going to University and I'm almost 100% positive that I wasn't the only one taken back from the thought. There was so much information given out almost too much to even pack into my head and ill probably forget by the middle of the year but yet again I'm suppose to apply before Christmas for early administration! Which will give me a greater chance of getting in if there is a bunch of people in my grade range they will accept me because i was smart enough to do early admin. Also its not a good idea to take provincials if your going out of province like to Alberta cause they will combine your provincial and then your grade for your class and it will just be mess.. Who would have known?

1 comment:

  1. I likey! My idea was to go and nanny in Europe or in New York as well, and then i found out that bursaries and scholarships aren't going to be useful comming from no school in your second year. Yes I know it is a downer for both of us. But Alix, but, we are strong,young, aboriginal women, and we do get benefits with bursaries so I say let's milk it. The day that we got these scholarships and bursary handouts was completley jam packed with a whole lot of knowledge, too much to fit in your brain. I like this blog Al because I am easily able to relate to how scared and nervous you are, and how both our minds are in different places.
