Wednesday, January 6, 2010

How would a broken plate feel?

A broken plate would feel empty and lonely that they have lost their other half. They would feel completely useless because no food would ever sit on the plate again. A broken plate would feel that they had no reason to go on and that you may as well break into a million pieces because would good is a broken plate. If you ate on a broken plate you could be risking your life a piece of broken plate could end up in your food and cut up all your insides, no plate would ever want to put you in such a life risking position. A broken plate would feel that they did not even deserve the title plate anymore just that they deserved the title broken. It would feel that it was a disapointment that it could not live up to your expectations and let you rest your meals on its top side and enjoy it. A broken plate would feel like a piece of garbage. Also, it would feel as if nobody truely cared enough about it to make sure that it did not fall and break. So in that case the plate would be happy it was broken because its metaphorical heart was broken.

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